Sunday, January 10, 2016

Tale of the Tape #1 2016

Here's where the scores for my 2016 Board Game Challenges stand as of January 10, 2016. Not too bad so far!!!

10 x 10 in 2016 Hardcore Challenge

  1. 7 Wonders Duel  V
  2. Munchkin
  3. Machi Koro
  4. Pandemic
  5. Power Grid
  6. Yedo
  7. Zombicide
  8. Lords of Vegas
  9. RoboRally
  10. Guillotine
Challenge #2: The 52 Game Challenge

This challenge is designed to get me to play 52 different types of games over 2016. The types are listed below. There are only 50 listed because #32 is a "trilogy". 

  1. A game that take 4+ hours to play - Firefly - Played 01/02/2016
  2. A classic game - The Game of Life - Played 01/08/2016
  3. A game that became a movie - Jumanji
  4. A game published this year (2016) - Dr. Who: Time of the Daleks 
  5. A game with a number in the title - 7 Wonders 
  6. A game designed by someone under 30 - Bohnanza (Uwe Rosenberg was <30 when he designed this game) 
  7. A game with nonhuman characters - Merchant of Venus (Classic Version) - Played 01/09/2016 I played the EeepEeep
  8. A funny game - Munchkin 
  9. A game by a female designer - Qwirkle (Susan McKinley Ross) - Played 01/08/2016
  10. A game with a mystery or thriller theme - T.I.M.E. Stories (Mystery Theme)
  11. A game with a one-word title - Fluxx - Played 01/08/2016 
  12. A game from a "system" - 504 - Played 01/04/2016
  13. A game set in a different country - Yedo (Fuedal Japan)
  14. A game based on historical events - Axis & Allies (World War II)
  15. A popular designer's first game - RoboRally (Richard Garfield)
  16. A game from a designer you love that you haven't played yet - King of New York (Richard Garfield)
  17. A game a friend recommended - Nefarious - Played 01/05/2016
  18. Spiel des Jahres winning game - Alhambra (2003)
  19. A storytelling game - Gloom 
  20. A game at the bottom of your to-play list - Forbidden Island 
  21. A game your Mom loves - Monopoly 
  22. A game with a horror theme - Elder Sign 
  23. A game more than 100 years old - Chess (1475 A.D./C.E.)
  24. A game based entirely on its cover - Fortune & Glory
  25. A game you hate that you've played at least once before - Poo
  26. A game named after a person - Justinian
  27. A game you can finish in under 15 minutes - Loot Letter (Based on Love Letter)
  28. A game with antonyms in the title - The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin
  29. A game set somewhere you've always wanted to visit - Ra (Egypt)
  30. A game that came out the year you were born - Alexander the Great (1971) 
  31. A game with bad reviews - Phase 10 (Tom Vasel HATES this game)
  32. A game trilogy -
    Pandemic: Contagion - Played 01/08/2016
    Pandemic: Legacy
  33. A game from your childhood - The Wizard of Oz Game (1974)
  34. A game with triangle-shaped components - Zombicide (Noise Tokens)
  35. A game set in the future - Outpost 
  36. A game set in a school - Zombie Dice 3 (School Bus) 
  37. A game with a color in the title - Red Dragon Inn 
  38. A game that made you cry/sad - Dead of Winter
  39. A game with magic - Mage Wars Arena 
  40. A game illustrated by your favorite artist - Euphoria (Jacqui Davis
  41. A game by a designer you've never played before - Codenames (Vlaada Chvátil
  42. A game you own but have never played - Ogre
  43. A game that takes place in your hometown (or as close as possible) - Hang Town (Placerville, CA) 
  44. A game that was originally published in a different language - Power Grid 
  45. A game set during Christmas - Holiday Fluxx
  46. A game designed by someone with your same initials - Aye, Dark Overlord! (Chiara Ferlito)
  47. A game with 8+ players - One Night Ultimate Werewolf 
  48. A game with a controversial theme - Cards Against Humanity
  49. A game based on or turned into a TV show - Battlestar Galactica - Played 01/01/2016
  50. A game you have trouble getting other people to play - Dixit
Challenge #3: 1 x 100 Challenge

I am enjoying this game! I have achieved all three victory conditions: Civilian, Scientific, Military. Mark and I enjoy it together. I have played it with my niece, Nicole. Mark has played it with our friend, Frank and enjoyed it. Fifteen down and 85 left to go in the next 355 days!

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