Perfect happiness, to me, is the freedom and ability to explore. Explore ideas and concepts. Explore the surrounding area. Explore by traveling to new places. Explore the opinions of others through debate (not arguing) of fundamental philosophies.
I want to live in such a way that I have the time and energy after the work-day is done to do that exploration. I don't want to work so much that I'm exhausted at the end of every day. To this end, I am trying to minimize my possessions and space that I live in to make exploring possible. It's a difficult endeavor but I am working at it.
I have taken carloads of unnecessary items to Good Will or thrown them away (which I cringe at doing. I'd rather see things recycled). I am trying to buy less stuff and am working to develop a justification for any new items coming into the house. Something like the book I bought or a day planner I purchased, have to have a purpose when I bring them in. The day planner will help me get more organized. The book (3000 Questions About Me) will provide me a way to explore myself. They are both tools.
I am also trying to explore more by taking my dogs to the dog park more often. There I meet interesting people and can work at making connections within the community. I have also started going to a weekly meditation class where I can, again, explore me and who I am both to me and to the world at large. I am also exploring other MeetUp groups that can help me on my journey through life.
I think I've spent too much time defining myself and my life by what others think of me. It's time for me to worry more about what I think of me. I need to be more gentle with myself and allow myself to be human. I also need to kick my own butt into gear to achieve the things I want to achieve. More on that as this journey progresses.
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