10 x 10 in 2016 Hardcore Challenge
- 7 Wonders Duel = 15 Plays - DONE!
- Munchkin = 5 Plays - 1/2 Way There
- Machi Koro
- Pandemic = 1 Play
- Power Grid = 3 Plays
- Yedo = 1 Play
- Zombicide = 6 Plays
- Lords of Vegas = 2 Plays
- RoboRally = 1 Play
- Guillotine
This challenge is designed to get me to play 52 different types of games over 2016. The types are listed below. There are only 50 listed because #32 is a "trilogy".
- A game that take 4+ hours to play - Firefly - Played 01/02/2016
- A classic game - The Game of Life - Played 01/08/2016
- A game that became a movie - Jumanji
- A game published this year (2016) - Dr. Who: Time of the Daleks
- A game with a number in the title - 7 Wonders - Played on 03/08/2016
- A game designed by someone under 30 - Bohnanza (Uwe Rosenberg was <30 when he designed this game)
- A game with nonhuman characters - Merchant of Venus (Classic Version) - Played 01/09/2016 I played the EeepEeep
- A funny game - Munchkin - Played 01/18/2016
- A game by a female designer - Qwirkle (Susan McKinley Ross) - Played 01/08/2016
- A game with a mystery or thriller theme - T.I.M.E. Stories (Mystery Theme) - Played on 01/16/2016
- A game with a one-word title - Fluxx - Played 01/08/2016
- A game from a "system" - 504 - Played 01/04/2016
- A game set in a different country - Yedo (Fuedal Japan) - Played on 01/19/2016
- A game based on historical events - Axis & Allies (World War II)
- A popular designer's first game - RoboRally (Richard Garfield) - Played on 04/01/2016
- A game from a designer you love that you haven't played yet - King of New York (Richard Garfield)
- A game a friend recommended - Nefarious - Played 01/05/2016
- A Spiel des Jahres winning game - Alhambra (2003)
- A storytelling game - Gloom - Played on 03/22/2016
- A game at the bottom of your to-play list - Forbidden Island - Played on 03/15/2016
- A game your Mom loves - Monopoly
- A game with a horror theme - Elder Sign - Played on 01/25/2016
- A game more than 100 years old - Chess (1475 A.D./C.E.)
- A game based entirely on its cover - Fortune & Glory
- A game you hate that you've played at least once before - Poo
- A game named after a person - Justinian
- A game you can finish in under 15 minutes - Loot Letter (Based on Love Letter)
- A game with antonyms in the title - The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin - Played on 01/18/2016
- A game set somewhere you've always wanted to visit - Istanbul (Turkey) - Played on 01/19/2016
- A game that came out the year you were born - Alexander the Great (1971)
- A game with bad reviews - Phase 10 (Tom Vasel HATES this game)
- A game trilogy -
Pandemic - Played on 02/05/2016
Pandemic: Contagion - Played 01/08/2016
Pandemic: Legacy - A game from your childhood - The Wizard of Oz Game (1974)
- A game with triangle-shaped components - Zombicide (Noise Tokens) - Played on 02/11/2016
- A game set in the future - Outpost - Played on 01/01/2016
- A game set in a school - Zombie Dice 3 (School Bus) - Played on 03/11/2016
- A game with a color in the title - Red Dragon Inn - Played on 02/09/2016
- A game that made you cry/sad - Dead of Winter
- A game with magic - T.I.M.E. Stories: A Prophecy of Dragons
- A game illustrated by your favorite artist - Euphoria (Jacqui Davis) - Played on 03/15/2016
- A game by a designer you've never played before - Codenames (Vlaada Chvátil)
- A game you own but have never played - Ogre
- A game that takes place in your hometown (or as close as possible) - Hang Town (Placerville, CA)
- A game that was originally published in a different language - Power Grid - Played on 02/13/2016
- A game set during Christmas - Holiday Fluxx
- A game designed by someone with your same initials - Aye, Dark Overlord! (Chiara Ferlito)
- A game with 8+ players - One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Played on 03/11/2016
- A game with a controversial theme - Cards Against Humanity
- A game based on or turned into a TV show - Battlestar Galactica - Played 01/01/2016
- A game you have trouble getting other people to play - Dixit - Played on 03/15/2016

A few clarifications:
- The list may be completed in any order
- The same game may not be used to satisfy multiple criteria
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Thank you for your comments! I will review them as soon as I can and make them live. I'm just trying to keep out the spammers. I'm sure you understand. :-)