Wednesday, February 17, 2016

10 x 10 Challenge: Yay! Dead Zombies!!!

I don't know why I am so enamored with Zombicide. I'm not a huge zombie genre fan. I find that genre occasionally amusing, if well done, but mostly tiresome and dumb. I guess this game must just fall into the well done part of the genre. I also enjoy it because each play ends with a story.

Late last year I managed to convince Mark to let me put it on my 10 x 10 list for 2016 and he agreed to help me knock it out this year. Tonight we actually knocked out two plays of this game which brings me up to four plays of this game now.

  1. February 11, 2016 with Mark
  2. February 13, 2016 at DunDraCon - I played Scenario #3 with three gentlemen at the convention and lost
  3. February 17, 2016 #1 - Scenario A2: Roundabout with Mark
  4. February 17, 2016 #2 - Scenario SC: Switch City Campaign - Pull the Switch with Mark 
February 13, 2016 @ DunDraCon: The DunDraCon game was fun! It was a scenario where we were just trying to get one survivor in to the red zone on the scoring track. There were four of us playing and we each had one character. Because I only own the base game right now, there are only six characters to play with. With only four players there weren't enough for all of us to play two characters. 

We were doing pretty good until one player made the decision to end his turn standing alone outside a building. When the zombies moved, four of them moved into the zone with him. Then, during the zombie spawning phase a card came up that said "All Walkers Get an Extra Turn". This meant that each of the walkers in the zone with this character got to attack him. He was dead. After that we started dropping like flies.

I don't remember the exact circumstances behind the next death, but my character cleared a room and decided to use her last action to search the room When this happened she found a walker zombie. Because she ended the turn with a zombie in the room and already had one wound, she was dead when the zombie got to move. [sigh]

The last death came when our final player cleared a room full of walkers. He had one wound and was one point away from the red zone. All he had to do was clear the room one more time after the movement phase and he was well equipped to do this by having a chainsaw in hand. A fat zombie and two walker zombies moved into the room with him. No problem. He could handle these. We moved to the spawning phase. One of the spawning cards that came up said..."All Fatties Take an Extra Turn." The fat zombie in the room with him attacked him and he was dead. One. Point. Shy. Of. Winning. 

February 17, 2016 #1 - Scenario A2: Roundabout with Mark: This was an easy scenario on a small map that started out with a whole bunch of walker zombies on the board but had the added advantage of having no spawn zones. Mark and I were able to defeat this scenario in less than an hour. It was fun and mildly amusing but left us ready for more. I had found this scenario on a site called Zombicide Scenarios and proposed another that I had found...

February 17, 2016 #2 - Scenario SC: Switch City Campaign - Pull the Switch with Mark: This is actually a scenario campaign. It contains six different maps that are supposed to be done in sequence. Some are harder than others. We started with the map called Pull the Switch. This one took us about 2.5 hours to complete and we lost two of the six characters we were playing right towards the end of the game. Characters who sustain two wounds are dead, but in this scenario they come back in the next map with a wound, so we'll see them again in the next game. 

The objective of this game is to collect all of the objective markers - there were eight - and get to the Exit zone. There could not be any zombies in the Exit Zone when the game was ended. We had some pretty hairy situations. At one point we ran out of abomination zombies. This gave the abomination zombie on the board another move. They are hard to kill and this brought this guy closer to our party. We had to scramble to find a Molotov cocktail to kill this zombie. Another time we had the same situation with fat zombies, and yet another time with runner zombies. The rule of the game is that if you don't have enough zombies to fill a spawn card, then all of that type of zombie on the board get another turn. If you already have zombies in a zone with your character then the next thing the zombies do is attack your character. 

Mark and I had a great time with this particular scenario and are looking forward to continuing this campaign. In fact, we are now considering buying the next expansion for this game. We've found some pretty good deals on Ebay and so I don't think it will be too long before we add some new characters, maps, equipment, and, of course, zombies to our fun with this incredible game. 

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