Tuesday, July 2, 2019

#3: What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

I don't know if I'd use the word "deplore," but I do dislike my tendency to procrastinate. I put things off until the last minute and then doing anything seems like a HUGE chore. This has been something I've joked about in the past, but I'm truly tired of falling prey to it and then scrambling to get caught up only to fall behind again. I don't seem to let myself do this at work, but I do find it's an issue at home.

I'm working very hard to overcome this particular bad habit by finding ways to refocus my mind and not getting distracted by things like games on my phone, social media, or TV. It's so easy to become distracted at home. I schedule tasks that I need to do on my calendar and I work very hard to stick to that schedule. I've even told my husband to put things he wants me to do on my calendar. Just find an empty spot, schedule it, and give me a heads up that it's on there.

I am also setting goals for myself. A goal requires a due date. I am setting dates and working hard to meet those dates. There is no room for procrastination when it comes to achieving a goal on time.

For example, I have founded a nonprofit organization that puts on game events every month. I have to schedule these events 4-6 months ahead of time and there are tasks that need to be done to prepare for these events. I have scheduled these tasks on my personal calendar and am committed to sticking to this schedule in order to make these events a success.

Another example is that I have a podcast. In the recent past I've dealt with depression which has affected my podcast production schedule. I am committed to rescheduling the tasks that are involved in producing a podcast and sticking to that schedule in order to grow my podcast. I know I'm having an impact with this show. I just need to get back to producing and promoting it like I did in the first two years of this show.

Goals and relationships take time and commitment. I have relationships with my husband, dogs, coworkers, and family. I have goals for my life, nonprofit organization, and podcast. I am committed to making these relationships work and succeeding at these goals. I appreciate your support in this!